Top Quality — It’s Built Into Every Sportsmobile. Always has been!
- We specialize in the conversion of vans – since 1961.
- If you visit us, you’ll see trained craftsmen working together as teams to build top quality van conversions.
- The majority of our personnel at each Sportsmobile plant have been with us for many years.
Who Regulates Sportsmobile’s Safety Program?
To begin with, comprehensive in-production/inspection and sign-off sheets are part of the paperwork for all conversions from start to finish.
After the basic van emerges as a Sportsmobile, it goes through a final rigorous systems testing and quality inspection procedures. The propane, 12 volt, 110 volt and plumbing systems must also meet RVIA’s (see Safety below) exacting installation and testing standards.
Sportsmobiles comply with applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS).
Sportsmobile manufactures its own cabinetry, seating, curtains, trim components, and other parts, permitting flexibility in arrangements. Most cabinetry and seating are designed on a modular basis, which further facilitates floor plan changes. Charges for simple modifications are minimal.
The Report Card
About two weeks after delivery we call the owner to see if all is OK. Several months later we send our “Report Card”.
Some of the questions we ask relate to the quality of our sales assistance, product design, materials, seat /bed comfort, quality of manufacture, and overall satisfaction with their Sportsmobile and our company.
How do we come out on these questions? We believe very well. We ask the owners to be candid in their grading and constructive criticism. By far our grades are “As” on all items.
We do receive some “Bs”, an occasional “C” and very, very rarely a “D” or “F.” Quite often the owner writes a separate note or letter telling us how much they enjoy their Sportsmobile.
We place a lot of value on this customer information/evaluation feedback. Copies are sent to each Sportsmobile locations so they can compare with the others. Periodically, made of all responses to evaluate trends, etc. We’ve revised this form many times over the years. It’s always been part of our customer satisfaction program.

“One of our two previous Sportsmobiles was tough enough to protect us in a two roll accident — could hardly wait to get this one. Every time they have been great people to work with!””
— Charles & Lisa Harrison
The Bottom Line

“Are you now glad you purchased a Sportsmobile?”
After over 55 years we have only had four say “No”.
Even though some owners were somewhat apprehensive prior to placing their order.
After all, buying a Sportsmobile does represent a sizable investment. Moreover, about 45% of our customers have never owned an RV and were not sure if they would really enjoy a Sportsmobile.
We believe the real bottom line of our business is, “How happy are our customers?” If our customer happiness index isn’t 99%, we believe it’s mighty close!
We Believe You Can Benefit From Our Years of Experience
We’re One of the Van Conversion Pioneers. When we began converting vans back in 1961, they created considerable interest.
Everyone wanted to look, but few wanted to buy.
They weren’t really sure what to make of “van campers”… or how one might fit into their life style.
Today it’s a far different story!

1962 Ford Sportsmobile
Where Can I Get Service?
Any authorized dealer can service the van. We use only the best quality, name-brand appliances, so any RV service center can take care of a problem. We list the 800 numbers and websites of our appliance manufacturers in our owners manual. And of course, any of our three locations can also service your Sportsmobile. Should you ever need our help, please contact us. We’ll strive to remedy the problem to your satisfaction, immediately. Should you ever need a replacement part fast, we’ll ship it ASAP if it’s in stock.
Van Chassis Warranty?
- For information please see manufacturers websites.
- Sprinter, Transit, and ProMaster — Basic Limited Warranty (3 years or 36,000 miles, whichever comes first).
- Sprinter Diesel Engine Components — 5 years / 100,000 miles.
- See MFG Information for full information.
How good is Sportsmobile’s Conversion Warranty
It’s one of the best in the industry! 3 years/36,000 miles for the Sportsmobile conversion. The appliances and van chassis are warrantied by their respective manufacturers. Keep in mind Sportsmobile has over 60 years of experience converting vans. No one has more experience or builds them better!
Sportsmobile’s limited warranty is unsurpassed in the RV industry — 3 years/36,000 miles. Appliances, such as the refrigerator, furnace, hot water heater, air conditioner, and 4×4 are warranted by their respective manufacturers. The van chassis is warranted by the van manufacturer. This warranty is effective with orders placed using Sportsmobile prices dated 2/1/14 or later.
Sportsmobile Classic ‘4×4’ Warranty
The Sportsmobile 4×4 system does not affect the original factory van warranty on the unaltered portions of your van. For future ease of service, each four-wheel-drive system is provided with a detailed list of all component parts and a maintenance schedule. Sportsmobile West 4×4 Conversions Limited Warranty 36 months/36,000 miles covers parts and labor on new van installs.