Who Supplies The Van?
- We can order a van for you.
- You can select a van from our stock.
- We will try to structure the purchase of the van and Sportsmobile conversion for the best tax savings to you and handle all of the paperwork. Exceptions apply.
- You can arrange your own van purchase through a van dealer. We suggest starting with our “Select Your Van” price sheets.
- We can also convert a van you already own. Contact us to confirm compatibility for a Sportsmobile conversion.
The Sportsmobile Conversion
- Send a copy of your paperwork, cost sheet estimate, etc. to us. We’ll review and then return the materials with comments we think may help.
- We can give you the cost estimate for the Sportsmobile conversion after you decide on the floor plan, colors, and options.
- Prior to production, we will again carefully review your order with you.
- Would You Like to Order? Please send a $4,000 down payment deposit – not refundable. We will then put you on our production schedule and keep you advised.
Note: The Penthouse expandable top is available separately.
How Do I Pay?
If we order the van for you:
- We request a $4,000 deposit when you place your order.
- You pay the balance on the van when we receive the vehicle.
- You pay for the conversion (minus your deposit) along with any applicable fees. Exceptions may apply.
If you supply the van:
We require a $4,000 deposit to hold a conversion schedule date for you.
Sportsmobile can arrange financing for you at a competitive rate, or you can arrange your own financing through a lender.
How Long Does It Take?
If we order a van for you and convert it, it will take about 8 to 14 months (Depending on location). Contact us for more current scheduling information.
Expandable Penthouse Top takes 1 week by appointment.
For More Information [Click]
“This is our first RV. We plan on traveling in it for months at a time. It was really a good experience working with Sportsmobile from start to finish. They were very objective in helping us decide on what we needed – and didn’t. We just finished our first one-month retirement cruise. We wouldn’t change a thing.”– Robert and Jennie Meyer
“It did take more time to design our Sportsmobile than we expected, but it was fun and well worth it. We plan on traveling, camping, and using it for our car for years to come. We felt that our Sportsmobile representative always put our interest first. For example, we thought we needed a generator, but after some discussion, we realized we didn’t — saving thousands. Taking delivery some months later was a very happy day. Driving off was even more exciting, as they say on the website. We only had to make one stop — for groceries. And then away we went!”
– Tim and Julie Bronson
(and Jeffres)
Taking Delivery
Keep in mind some Sportsmobile owners had never seen a Sportsmobile, except on our website, prior to placing their order. So naturally they can be a little nervous. When customers arrive to take delivery do they all grin or at least smile when they drive away? Over the decades we’ve noticed about 99.9% of them do.
The Bottom Line
About three months after pickup, we send the owners our in-depth “Report Card.” The last question we ask is, “Are you now glad you purchased a Sportsmobile?”
To date, over the 4 decades, and thousands of orders, we have had only two answer “No.” It seems that everyone – well, almost everyone – really enjoys our product. Needless to say, this gives us a big sense of satisfaction.